Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Sunday= National Eating Holiday

Even though College Football is where my true passion lies, I do suck it up, and watch over paid athletes who could give a damn a good portion of the time play football on Sundays. Yes, you have your Kurt Warner's who appreciate the game for what its worth, but a good portion are just airheads that can't do anything else because they left college early and when they where in college they took ball room dancing. The only pro sport i get into is baseball because college baseball isn't very popular. This past Super Sunday I was pretty indifferent towards the match up. I mean come on the Cardinals and Steelers? Not the game I was hoping for. The only thing that made me actually turn it on was knowing this could be Cedar Rapids born Kurt Warner's last game. Earlier yesterday my mom and i where at the grocery store and shes made the comment that she thinks I but Super Sunday up there with my birthday and Christmas. I just laughed it off saying i put today before my birthday which is true. I love food. Besides playing sports eating is my favorite thing to do. And Super Bowl Sunday you get the best food. I think i had about 5 different courses last night and I don't feel guilty. I might today when I'm down in the weight room, but it was worth it. I just hope next year the games a little more interesting..good football and food can never go wrong with that :)

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