Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Torre playing it dumb?

What is with all these baseball players writing books? I don't get it? But I'm not going to complain because they make for juicy reading. I believe that Joe Torre is a lot more intelligent than Jose Canseco will ever be but, I don't think he will be winning a Pulitzer prize for this book anytime soon. Last Friday night I was lucky enough to catch Torre's Larry King Live interview. It was neat how they had it set up. They had CNN cameras at a bar in LA where Joe is coaching now and cameras set up in NY where he previously coached. The interview consists from life in NY to LA, the bridges he burnt in NY, the relationships he still has in NY, the Yankee years highs and lows, and the juicy details of his over priced star athletes. I'm not a big fan of reading but this book I will definitely be going out to get right away. Yes, if you can't tell by now I am a die hard Yankee fan. Spring Training every year, at least 2 Yankee games a year at Yankee Stadium, and I've been to 2 World Series games. People think that because I am from Iowa I am just jumping on the ban waggon. That is not the case I have like the Yankees since I was 5. My dad lives out there and he has always been a Yankee fan so i guess you can say it goes hand in hand.

I find that Torres book will be very interesting. I'm most intrigued by his remarks about A-Rod. Torre doesn't believe that this book will burn any bridges. I think he is just playing the dumb card on that one. If you say in your book that the highest paid athlete in baseball in history was a little to into Derek Jeter I don't think he is going to be making any friends in NY. I have always had great respect for Joe Torre as a Manager and as a person. I have had the privilege of meeting him before one spring training. He was a great guy very nice and willing to sign many autographs. Even though that I feel that this book was him flipin the bird to NY I wish him the best, because I do feel that he got jipped by the Yankees front office and that's a shame. I just hope he knows what he is getting himself into.

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