Sunday, November 9, 2008

College Football Coming to a End with Lots of Questions Still Unanswered

It's pretty bad when the president that was just elected even said that we need a college football play off. Are we ever gonna have one? I hope so because, sometimes it seems like the BSC only watches half the games! Whats going to happen at the end of the year when there is one deserving team that went un beaten and then there is a hand full of one loss teams? Whats the fair thing to do. I personally think that College football should just ditch the BCS system and go to a playoff system. A playoff system is the only way we will truly know who the best 2 teams in college football really is.


Fellow Hawkeye fans were do I start? Nobody gave Iowa a chance against big bad Penn State! It's pretty bad when my own science teacher said they have no chance! I always had faith in you Iowa, when people told me that they had not a chance against number 3 ranked Penn State I didn't say anything because I knew there was a chance for the unthinkable. Iowa was playing at home and they were looking for a signature win to cap their season off. They were out for blood having lost all their games by 12 points combined. They had nothing to lose and Penn State had everything to lose including the chance of playing in the National Championship! If you look back in my previce blog entries I did a post about how this game was going to be the game to watch and, how not to underestimate the Hawkeye’s. The game couldn't have started off better for the home team. Iowa won the coin flip, but then deferred and decided to kick off. Nobody understood this. But, I knew that Kirk pro bally had a reason for it. Penn States first play from scrimmage was a pass play. Iowa has one of the best defense in the nation and Saturdays game just proved it. First play Iowa's speedy and strong defense came with a blitz, and PSU qb Darrell Clark felt the pressure for sure. The first three plays from scrimmage he was on his back. There was alot of bad calls in this game for both sides. The first one came one the 3rd play of the game Darrell Clark was sacked and coughed up the ball it was supposedly recovered by the Hawkeye’s defense at the one yard line. The play then went into review by the booth upstairs. It was pretty obvious that it was a fumble, but the call was over turned. PSU was forced to punt from the Hawkeyes one yard line. The punt only went about 30 yards because of the howling wind. The Hawkeye’s had great field after the less then good punt. It took them two plays from scrimmage and a 14 yard touchdown but Iowa’s Heisman hopeful Shonne Greene. The rest of the half was dominated by Penn State; the scoreboard wouldn't have said so. Iowa's defense won the game for them. Penn State had the ball more then Iowa the whole game. There was three times in the first were PSU got in scoring position and could not come through. Iowa stoped PSU's RB 3 straight times at the goal line. even though they got 3 FGs off of those possessions I think it was a bigger victory for Iowa. When night started to fall in historic Kinnick Stadium I knew something special was going to happen. I don't know if it was all the green shirts I saw in the stands in honor of Shonne Greene or what but I felt it. I had never been so nervous. I was upset though all at the same time since I had tickets to the game but passed had to pass them up for other reasons. I found myself sitting by the fire with my parents watching the fourth quarter on the big screen. We were all nervous when there was 13 seconds left and they were down by 2 and both Iowa kickers were warming up and this game was on national TV and one of them tripped and fell while warming up!!!!!!!!! That gave everybody alot of confidence. Once again i did not understand Kirk's decision. He decided to put walk on kicker murray in from Iowa City. He was 1/3 on the season and he was the back up kicker!!! It got worse, when he went out there to line up for the kick the camera went on him, it looked like he was about to cry! But i guess who wouldn't want to cry in that situation?! He made the kick, and celebrated with a knee slide. Hawkeye’s stared to storm the field. One problem there was one second left! We of course got a penalty but that wouldn't matter!! Yes the Hawkeye’s did the unthinkable. I had faith in them the whole time when Hawkeye fans them self had not faith. Just one word of advice yes, celebrate this win but you guys cannot beast number 3 ranked PSU then come back next weekend and lose to Purdue.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

College Football a Passion or Curse??

Every Saturday morning I find myself waking up at the same time 8:00 am. Some people might think hat I'm crazy others will understand, because they are up with me as well. passion or curse? That is the question of debate in this blog entry. Is College football a passion or curse? I have seen grown men cry over a simple game that they personally can not change the outcome of the game. I'll admit it as well i have shed some tears in the past over college football its just a passion that runs deep in my blood. Nobody understands my love for college football except my mom and dad. Everyone thinks that its so bizarre that every Saturday I wake up at 8:00am to watch College Football Live on ESPN. This is a program that previews all the big match ups of the day and major upset alerts. You can almost say that it is a appetizer before the actually games start. My bedroom is in the basement at my house, and every Saturday I probably come up stairs a total of 4 times between 8 and 3ish. I only come up for food or when a game is so unbearable to watch that i just get so frustrated. The only bad thing sometimes about watching games is when my team is playing I am not aloud to watch it with my mom because she says i get too worked up for her. This is were the debate of passion or curse comes about. Where do you draw the line as a fan? How much is too much. I think in college football you almost feel like you have a relationship with the players on the team so, it makes you feel closer to them so when they do not preform well it hurts you. Because you feel that you have a strong realtionship with them when they suffer you suffer. I don't think you get that from Professional sports, they just that they're a different species on this earth. I think when college football gets to the point were you can call it a passion you only feel like it's a curse when your team does not preform up to your standard. A true college fan will never revel that it is a curse. The people that call it a curse are the people that have to put up with our mood swings during a big game think its a curse. All us College football fans must stick together. Its the sport we love to hate :)


It's no surprise that once again college football has a new number one ranked team. Last year, in the beginning of November is when it all started to get turned upside down, but these crazy antics have already been going on for sometime this year. I wouldn't be surprised if college football had 3 more different number ones by the time this season is over. If you are a college football powerhouse and you get the chance to sit at the top of the college football thrown this year before the national championship game, I wouldn't celebrate quiet yet. I would actually be a little worried. I would be happy with a number two ranking because when it comes down to the wire, no matter how messed up the BSC system is they're going to want number one and number two too by in the BSC national championship game. Last time i checked there wasn't a number two ranked curse, so all you number two ranked teams be happy! Don't complain saying oh we beat so and so, so make us number one! Give it a rest you are just setting your self up for failure. Nobody remembers who was ranked number one in week three, or four or even five!!! College football has a long season it goes from the last week in August to around New Years Eve. So all you die hard college football fans brace yourself because, we haven't even seen half of the crazy antics that are going to happen.

I am dedicating this burnt Orange color of my text for the latest number one team to fall and I will do this for the rest of the year to prove that number one teams come and go.

Most recent BSC standings